True Life Childhood Stories

The Legend Of Joe

Angry Shadows
My Enemy
Little Red Corvette
The Magic Cape
The Free Ride
My Paper Route
The Three Captains
Fishing Is Catching
The Wallet
.38 Colt Special
The Legend Of Joe
The Malley
California Graffiti
The Vibe
My 36
Jerry And The Gypsy
Hot Rod
Mama Dear
Days Of The Forty
A Brush With The Law
A night in Yokohama
Earthbound Again
My Christmas Story
Contact Me

The Legend Of Joe


Halloween, it was a special treat for us kids when we were growing up. It was safe to walk around the neighborhood at night then, and we loved all the fun we could have with all of our friends. We were always cautioned not to play any bad tricks on the people, and sometimes Mom and Dad helped us with our costumes.

A few weeks before Halloween Dad came up with this original idea, a really great plan so that we could have extra fun. He said a full size mannequin ( or dummy), could travel with us and fool people, maybe we could get some extra treats.

I thought that was great, and I pressured Dad to get busy with it. So down in the basement workshop Dad started building. First he made a frame of light wood, it looked like a ladder with two steps. Then he put a pair of pants on the long sticks, and nailed a pair of old shoes on the ends of those sticks. I helped by stuffing some crumpled newspaper in the pant legs so they looked full. Next came an old shirt, and again we stuffed it for fullness. Dad got an old black coat, and now this was getting exciting! We leaned it up against the workbench and tried to think what would be good to make a head from. After searching around for a couple of days we found a cotton sack that was a good size, so we stuffed it with old rags and socks until it was firm, and attached it to the "neck" stick.

It was about that time that our project became a personality, and somehow we called him "Joe ". ... .My Dad gave him an old hat that he would never wear again, (it looked like a gangsters hat), and I contributed a "lone ranger" type of mask.

And then we adjusted his coat, tucked the ends of his sleeves into the side pockets, stood back and admired our work. Joe was impressive! .. . .Joe was ready for Halloween!


And then the day arrived, and Joe came out of the basement to meet our gang of " trick-or-treaters ", they were delighted and everybody wanted to be with Joe. At first we would bring Joe to the door with us and watch the peoples faces as they tried to figure out just what he was, when they found out, they wouldn't give him any candy even though he had his own bag. and soon there was another plan.

Joe leaned his head against a front door, and we hid in the bushes at the bottom of the steps, someone would ring the bell!, and when the door opened, Joe would fall forward! The men were startled, the women screamed! Then we would all have a laugh and collect our treats. One man tried to slam the door on Joe as he was falling in, so we got a long rope and attached it to his neck so that we could yank him back before that happened again. I think it was the best Halloween ever!

Joe went back in the basement to wait for next Halloween, his life was not very exiting then, just gathering dust, an occasional scream from Mom when she noticed this dark figure as she was doing laundry. Then our little dog" Wiggy' would start barking at Joe, and would never go near him.

Summer vacation, and we had so much fun playing outside on our quiet little street. We played baseball or "capture the flag" until it became too dark, then we switched to " king of the hill " or " kick the can " (a form of hide-and-seek ) where the captured people are released if a kid leaves his hiding place and runs in to kick the can before he can be tagged. On one of those nights, when there were too few to get a game going, we took Joe down to the end of the block where there was a bus-stop. "We can hide in these bushes, and Joe can wait for the bus "! We laughed and leaned Joe against the bus sign, (Joe was very good at this). He looked so real in the dim light, his hands in his pocket, his hat pulled slightly down.

Telling ghost stories, talking about the moon, three or four of us waited for a bus to come. "I hear a bus!" Joanie said, and we got quiet and sank down behind the bushes. The bus ground to a stop, then the door opened. At first the driver was looking down at his worksheet, he expected a passenger to step on board quickly.

But Joe did not move. The driver asked Joe" do you want a ride or not?" Joe did not answer.

The driver, now turned towards the door, leaning as far as he could, stretching his neck, squinting his eyes. " Sir, are you taking this bus?" Again Joe said nothing.

We had a hard time keeping quiet, bursts of laughter escaping past the hands covering our mouths made telltale sounds that tipped off the driver he had been the victim of" tricksters"... Off he drove, his passengers looking out ,trying to see what the fuss was about... .., ... ..We rolled on the lawn bursting with laughter, and couldn't wait until the next bus came by. This bus was pretty much the same thing except the driver did not speak to Joe, he just looked at him a long time, shut the door, and was gone. It was getting kind of late now, but we will wait for one more bus because I have a plan to liven things up. " Here it comes "Skeeter says", and it stops, the door opens, the driver says something I cant hear. I have in my hands the long rope tied to Joe's neck, I gently pull on it until Joe falls over backwards!

The driver is shocked ! he jumps out of his seat and reaches the doorway. Joe's hat rolls along the sidewalk, the bus driver now can see this is not a real person. His eyes search the bushes where we are hiding, then he turns around and closes the door. All the passengers are out of their seats looking out at Joe.

We did the bus stop thing a number of times, but the drivers spread the word, and now they hardly would slow down. They recognized Joe!

Now I have to tell you the part I am not proud of, and I have to admit it was my idea. The folks were playing cards... ..My sister and I snuck out of the house, and we got Joe out of the basement. We met two more friends out in front and decided to take Joe to the bus stop. But I opened my big mouth with this idea" what if we tossed Joe out in front of a passing car "? It seemed daring, but what the heck.

The car approached, Joe went sailing out, "crash! " Joe's hat went flying! Joe went flying! his sleeves out of the pockets, he rolled to a crumpled stop.

At that moment I realized this is not fun. It looked too real. All of us snuck away, I went outside later to get Joe but he was nowhere to be found. The next day when I talked to Skeeter, he said that the people in the car took Joe away with them. My Mom and Dad found out what we did, and I was grounded. And Joe was gone.. . . .. .

Or so I thought. Because about a month or so later, a boy down the street from us told Skeeter he had seen Joe in a neighbors backyard. I thought he was teasing us but then another boy said the same thing. So I had to see for myself, I went down there and, well, Joe was in pretty bad shape. In fact I hardly recognized him, but it was him. I couldn't leave him there so I tucked him under my arm and brought him back to his home. I wanted to fix him up again, but Mom and Dad both said no, there was too much trouble I could get into. So that night as I was doing my homework in my room, Dad took Joe apart and he was.. . .. . . .. no more.

Next Halloween came along and we all missed Joe, but we were all getting older now, and hopefully wiser,. . . .. . . . . .I think some of the neighbors might remember him, and I am sure that Skeeter and Owen and Earl do . And maybe even some of the bus drivers,

"Boy Adventures" by Ron Francis ............ (c) .. 2009


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